Arise Addiction Meeting - Started 10/14
Monday Evenings from 6:30-7:30pm

Childcare is provided for this meeting - please contact us for more information
Luke 17:19
"Arise, go your way, your faith has made you well."
We have experienced addiction and its destruction first hand; we have sacrificed everything of value in our lives to feed this addiction and we know what it's like to be left empty at a hopeless rock bottom.

In that helpless state, we cried out to the only One left listening, our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Out of the depths He rescued us; He has given us new life, a reason to live and hope for the future.

We fully believe that the only cure for the sin of addiction is a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. Through the study of His Word, fellowship with His people, and prayer, we have found freedom from a life of bondage to drugs and alcohol. Our mission is to share the freedom we have found with others suffering in addiction.

Family members are equally affected and important in the recovery process.
Please note that, you are welcome to come even if the person who is in addiction is not attending the meetings.

Contact Us about
Arise Addiction Meetings

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Video Testimonies